Pumpkin Fun with Children for Halloween
October 28, 2020

For this special year we can’t go out for trick or treat with the kids. So to be creative I made a couple of samples with easy and fun creations to do this half term holiday to keep the Halloween spirit alive!

The first creation is great to get the creativity flowing. You can start with using any kind of pumpkin. It doesn’t matter if the colour aren’t blending in nicely as we will cover the whole pumpkin in a basic paint. I choose to paint my sample in a gold colour and used spray paint for a quick result. After setting it to dry we can start decorating it with glitters for a glam effect. I used my glue gun to create 3-d drops and straight after the glue, sprinkle with sparkles. Also glue and sparkles on the stem will give the pumpkin a extra luxurious effect. The Acrylic paint I used with a piping bag (a similar one that you can use for writing and decorating with chocolate). You can make flowers, leaves or vines but also writing words as BOO or TRICK look great. Last tip; you can paint for example a spiderweb and glue plastic spider on the pumpkin for a great effect.

Pumpkins come in different sizes and varieties and they are a great vegetable to work with. Specially kids can get easily creative with pumpkins. Of course all kids want to carve out some faces and make Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween. But it is very easy to make together with an adult a centrepiece from a pumpkin with flowers. Good flowers to use for kids are for example Gerbera’s, Sedum, Chinese Lanterns, Craspedia etc. Make sure you don’t use delicate flower stems and when using rose, make sure all the thorns are removed before they are using them. Please see our YouTube tutorial how to get started with this great activity; https://www.youtube.com

For this design, we open and empty the pumpkin. Next step is to prepare floral foam and place inside with a lining of cellophane. We use the lid from the pumpkin back in the arrangement placed on a wooden stick. We have a nice space left between the pumpkin base and the lid that we start filling in with foliage. Make sure the greenery and flowers don’t stick out too far to keep the pumpkin visible. Last step is adding in the flowers and your centrepiece is ready!
Have fun this pumpkin season and let those creative autumn-vibes flow!
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